Mittwoch, 29. September 2010

Synchron-Handtanz zu "We speak no americano"

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Max Tucker #2

Endlich ist das neue Buch auf dem Markt, zwar noch nicht im Buchladen ABER bereits als ebook auf meinem iPod. Extra letzte Nacht aufgewacht und online geshopped ;) Hier eine Kurzbeschreibung, natürlich in Englisch:

Short Desciption:
What do you do when you've become rich and famous for writing a #1 best-selling book about your drunken, sexual misadventures? I'll tell you what I do: I write another fucking book.

This is that book. Assholes Finish First is hilarious in ways you will recognize from I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell, and in other, newer ways you won't. Of course it has all the sex and debauchery you expect from my writing, but with a twist. You already know how I deal with women when I am poor and anonymous. You have no idea how I do it when I have money and fame.
It also answers the hard questions you've never thought of asking. What's it like to have sex with a midget? How about two of 'em? What happens when you eat too much beef jerky and then drink a gallon of vegetable juice? Or get head in an X-ray machine? The answers are inside, they are absurd, and they are the product of one man's experiences:
My name is still Tucker Max, and I am still an asshole.

Außerdem wurde u.a. für seine Werke eine Literaturgattung kreiert:

"Fratire" is a term used to denote a type of 21st century non-fiction literature written for and marketed to young men in a politically incorrect and overtly masculine fashion. The term was coined following the popularity of works by George Ouzounian (writing under the pen name Maddox) and Tucker Max.[1] Described as a satirical celebration of traditional masculinity, the genre is criticized for allegedly promoting sexism and misogyny.[2]  (Quelle:

Montag, 27. September 2010


... wisst ihr was man macht bei IKEA ... ;)

Freitag, 17. September 2010

Au Pair Meeting / Scaventure Hunt NYC

Letztes Wochenende haben wir in New York City verbracht. Samstag Sightseeing und Sonntag Au Pair Meeting.

Wir hatten ein riesen Au Pair Meeting mit ganz vielen Au Pairs aus verschiedenen Regionen (NJ, NY, CT...) In kleinere Gruppen eingeteilt ging es dann auf "Scaventure Hunt" wo wir fragen zur Stadt beantworten mussten, Gegenstände finden etc. ... unser Highscore hat leider nicht für's Siegertreppchen gereicht, aber es war cool so viele Leute zu treffen.

9/11 Memorial

Abends waren zwei riesen Scheinwerfer aufgestellt, so wie man oben im Foto sehen kann, zum Gedenken an die "Twin Towers" (World Trade Center) und das Geschehen vom 11. September 2001.

Montag, 13. September 2010

Donnerstag, 9. September 2010

Sonntag, 5. September 2010


Gestern Abend haben wir einige meiner neuen Gesellschaftsspiele ausprobiert, mein absoluter Favourit "SAY ANYTHING"

From the makers of the award-winning Wits and Wagers comes the next great party game - *Say Anything*. Say Anything is a light-hearted game about what you and your friends think. It gives you the chance to settle questions that have been hotly debated for centuries. For instance, “What’s the best movie of all time?” or “If I could have a BIG anything, what would it be?” So dig deep into your heart or just come up with something witty – this is your chance to Say Anything. Say Anything combines the best elements of Wits and Wagers and Apples to Apples. 1) Ask any question from the card you draw, such as “What’s the best movie of all time?” or “If I could have a BIG anything, what would it be?” 2) Everyone else writes an answer and turns it face-up. 3) Secretly choose your favorite of these answers. Then everyone tries to guess which one you picked. Play *Say Anything* - and find out what your friends really think. Ages: teens and adults. Players: 3 – 8. Teach time: 2 minutes. Play time: 35 minutes.

Und natürlich "ARRIBA!"...

...und viele andere! ;-)

Freitag, 3. September 2010


Am Anfang der Woche haben wir die privat Uni Yale in New Haven besichtigt. Zur gleichen Zeit wurden die neuen Studenten (Freshmen) "eingeschult", da sind wir gleich mal mit denen mitgelaufen.
Die Uni gibt es seit 1718 und hat um die 11,500 Studenten.